You currently have three options for the Personalized Recorded Readings aka Astro Booster Shots:
15 minute recording ($50)
30 minute recording ($85)
40 minute recording ($100)
What to expect:
I will use your birth information to drop into the energies that are most present for you right now. These recorded readings are for you if you have already had a Natal Chart reading and you want to dive deeper into a specific planet, archetype, transit, house, section of your chart etc. or you want me to help you root into the present moment using the language of astrology. Perhaps you want some support navigating through eclipse season, a Saturn return or a Mercury retrograde OR maybe you just want to get to know your Mars placement more intimately. I can help you with that! These recordings allow my offerings to stay experimental and flexible to meet your needs. Feel free to send me an email to discuss before you decide to book. Lets talk about it. Please know that there is no pressure to book, even if you do reach out to me. It is important that this feels in alignment and exciting for you.
If you have not had a general natal chart reading, I strongly recommend that you do that first, either with me or any other professional astrologer. You can find out more about those offerings here.
These offerings are recorded. We will not meet live one-on-one. If you prefer to connect one-on-one please go here.
ALL sessions will be recorded in English or Spanish. Please indicate preference.
All sessions require that you share your birth date, time and location. No exceptions.
You will receive a copy of your chart and the recording. If time permits and I feel called to do so, I will also pull some tarot cards for you. This will go out to you in an email. You will receive your recording within 10 to 15 days of booking, approximately.
In your intake form, please indicate the planet, archetype, transit, moment etc. that will be the main focus of your recording. The more information you provide, related to your inquiry, the better it will be for me to tap into your questions.
To book, send me an email using the form below. I will be in touch shortly with the rest of the booking information.
*I offer gift cards for all my offerings. Please contact me to inquire about this. Readings make wonderful, unique gifts for our loved ones. I will send them a beautiful, personalized card with their gift from you.
Thank you!